Broken Floral Junk Wreath

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If you have ever started a DIY project and halfway through decided it was too ugly to continue, please continue. You’ll be surprised at the outcome and it may turn into your favorite home decor.


Think about a piece of furniture with only one coat of paint. It’s ugly. It’s easy to give up at that point. But after the second coat of paint, the piece is transformed. This project is ugly at the midpoint, but when it’s finished, it’s awesome!

I found this oval frame at a favorite vintage store for $5. It didn’t have glass, backing, or hanging hardware. Plus, the finish is quite distressed. Perfect for a broken floral junk wreath


Supplies for junk wreath

  • Thrift store frame
  • E6000 Glue
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Varies metal flowers
  • Three small 1 1/2” (3.81 cm) high clay pots
  • Broken floral vase or plates
  • Bag of Spanish moss

How I made the broken junk wreath

oval wreath
  • Remove the glass and backing from the frame. 
starting layout
  • Start laying out the broken glass around on the frame. I tend to divide the frame into quarters. Added a larger piece in each quarter. Then fill in with smaller pieces.  
  • Next, start laying out the larger flowers and the clay pots. 
close up
  • Now, that larger pieces have a place, start gluing. I used E6000 glue on the broken vase pieces and on the larger metal flowers. 
  • Start gluing the smaller elements using the hot glue. I use a hot blower dryer to remove glue strings. 
  • Now it time to soften the hard metal and broken pieces with Spanish moss. Use a small dollop of hot glue to hold the moss in place. Finish with the hot blow dryer or craft dryer again. 
finished wreath

More tips

Contrast the colors of the elements you apply on the wreath. Notice the creamy white of the broken vase and the layer of dark metal flowers on top. 

When trying different layouts stop and snap a photo. Sometimes you can see areas that need something extra on a photo. Then when you find a layout you like, snap a photo. Then when you start gluing and moving pieces you have something to refer too. 

final junk wreath

Here is a collection of junk thrift shopping on my list in case you need more junk for your floral junk wreath. 😉

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One Comment

  1. Jeanette, That frame looks amazing! I’ve always wanted to do one with all the little cast off happy meal toys, and other odds n ends of toys I’ve stashed in my junk pile of recycle-able materials. I find that the photo taking is a must during the process too! Thanks for the tips and inspiration!

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