watercolor kit with scattered colors and stop scattered brain

30 Days of New Developing Mindful Creativity – Stop Scattered Brain!


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Is your mind scattered? Thoughts, things you need to do, remember and ideas pop into and out of the mind at lightening speed. I’m trying mindful creativity on a regular basis will calm my mind.

Mindful creativity exercise. Look up. What do you see? Take a moment and really look at what’s in front of you. What colors do you see? What do you hear? Take a deep breath. What do you smell in the air around you? Are you cool or warm?

Do you realize you just spent time being mindful? You focused on your surrounding completely. Now, how can being mindful help you in your daily life? Well, if you’re like me and have 27 different things popping in and out our your head in the course of a minute. Or you need help remembering what someone told you. Or, if you’re looking for a way to calm your mind, Mindful Creativity might help.

Friends, this post may contain affiliate links to products used to create the project. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read my complete disclosure here if you wish.


30 Days of Mindful Creativity

Mindful Creativity starts, Live on June 1, 2023. If you’re reading this in July 2023

or farther into the future, no worries, the course is on our Design Workshop Facebook Group.

Here is how it works:

  • First, join our Design Workshop Facebook Group. This is where the videos live for the Mindful Creativity projects live. Click here to join the group.
  • Below is a list of basic craft supplies to have on hand. Most of the supplies you’ll have around the house.
  • Each morning, I’ll share a video with a simple craft to “get lost in creating.” You’ll create for at least 15 minutes to train the mind to focus on one task. Instead of the 27 other things that pop in and out of our minds regularly.
  • This is similar to meditation. If you’re like me and have trouble meditating, because your mind is busy, mindful creativity might help.
  • Please be aware, I have not tried this myself on a consistent basis. I’m in this with you to find a calmer mind.

List of supplies for mindful creativity projects

  • Air Dry Clay
  • Watercolors with brush and container of water
  • Old book to use the pages, or a printable from my shop
  • Copy paper
  • Cardstock
  • Charcoal pencil
  • Regular pencil
  • Pen
  • Sewing needle, thread, and scrap fabric
  • Crayons
  • Acrylic paint or chalk paint
  • Chip brush or 1-inch paintbrush
  • Scrap ribbons
  • Old magazines
  • Scissors
  • At least a cup of sand or sugar or cornmeal
  • Craft Glue or Elmer’s glue

If you don’t have something above, you can grab what you need at my Amazon store.

Like sand!

watercolor kit with scattered colors and stop scattered brain

Ready to start your mindfulness?

Our Design Workshop Facebook group is a place for DIY help, inspiration, and guidance. We even did 30 days of decluttering tips and tricks in January. The 30 days of Decluttering are under the guides tab.

The group is private, so you need to request to join.

A few mindfulness tips

There are no right or wrong ways to do mindful creativity. Simply work at staying completely focused on the project. Let everything else go for at least 15 minutes. We are “training” our minds to focus.

A timer on your watch or a kitchen timer is helpful.

While we will not share your projects in our group, unless you want to share, you might take pictures of some projects. Then save projects for our “Bonus” at the end of the 30 days.

Remember the complete 30 Mindful Creative projects stay in the area of the guide on the Facebook group. Available anytime.

Hope to see you at the Design Workshop!

If Facebook isn’t your thing (many times I’m not thrilled with Facebook) I’m including the 30 Mindful Creative Prompts below.

  1. Create a line Drawing without picking up your pencil. 
  2. Play with watercolors.
  3. Try several book page folding ideas. Use scissors too if you wish. 
  4. Write a letter to your younger self. 
  5. Make a charcoal drawing.
  6. Paint to music.
  7. Create with nature anything you can dream up. 
  8. Create an art collage. 
  9. Do a Brain Dump, write down everything in your head. Write the date. 
  10. Go for a walk and take pictures. 
  11. Doodle
  12. Color with crayons
  13. Create an inspiration board. 
  14. Hand sew
  15. Create with clay
  16. Create a table centerpiece without going to the store. Use what you have decorating. 
  17. Combine watercolor with crayons. 
  18. Write a letter to your older self
  19. Paint a wooden item. Any wood item you have around the house. 
  20. Create with ribbon. 
  21. Draw or paint art outside.
  22. Create a pencil rub. Find something with texture, lay paper over it, and rub across the paper keeping the pencil at an angle. You can use a piece of charcoal as well.
  23. Write about anything.
  24. Draw with your eyes closed.
  25. Sit outside and notice each of your 5 senses, sight, sound, taste, feel, and smell.
  26. Make a scribble drawing.
  27. Draw or paint your emotion. 
  28. Arrange clippings in a vase. 
  29. Draw in sand, dirt, or cornmeal if sand or dirt isn’t available. Take a picture of your drawing. 
  30. Draw what’s troubling you. Then tear it up and throw it away. 

Bonus: Grab a large thrift store book or punch holes in your mindful creative projects and tie it into a book with twine. Make sure to leave room for more future creative mixed-media projects.

Mindful Creativity Mixed Media ideas.

Watch the time-lapse video on this mindful media project on Pinterest.

Bonus Mindful Creative Digital idea

Spend 15 minutes online creating a mood board using Canva. I tried this and was so inspired and lost in mindful creativity and the colors, it was wonderful.

Meet your DIYer Jeanette

I enjoy working through DIY projects and problems. Dad always said, “There’s no problem that can’t be solved.”

I hope you join me on our DIY adventures.

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