The Future Looks Bright

The Future Looks Bright | Country Design Style |
The Future Looks Bright | Country Design Style |


Is having 2,385 items on a bucket list too much?

Is 2 too little?

Is there more of a mess putting up the Christmas tree…

Or taking down the tree?

The Future Looks Bright

It’s a new year!  Welcome to 2016.

Are you overwhelmed yet?

There’s weight to lose before adding it back on eating Valentine chocolate.  Bucket lists to make and misplace.  A word of the year to forget.  A whole house to organize every last item inside only to forget where you put it.  All those resolutions to break!

It’s overwhelming to start breaking all those plans!!

So, where’s that bright future?

As long as there’s learning, helping and laughs…the future is bright!

Bucket List

The future has a bucket list of learning…about 2,385 things to learn!  If I learn and experience a handful of new things that will be perfect.  This year I’m reworking my list by taking things off that I’ve lost interest in and the things that I actually did.   Plus adding a list of 12 things to do in 2016.


This is a word that makes me itch.  And not the itching to get started kind of itch.  It’s the ugh kind of itch.

This is not a sponsored post!  I have joined a group of blogging friends who have all started reading the New York Times number 5 best selling book of 2015, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo.  I’m on page…hum…it doesn’t matter I’m reading on my kindle.

My brief understanding of the “magic” is to tidy up by categories.  To start, you pile everything in the category on the floor.  Then quickly pick up each item and if it gives you joy, keep it.

Pile of Clothes and Bella | Country Design Style |

Anyway, I’m on TOPS!  Bella is helping.  The book doesn’t say anything about dogs helping.

The first category is clothing and within the category the first is tops.  I chose to pile my tops on the bed…I’m too old to sit on the floor.

Half | Country Design Style |

It took about 30 minutes to go through my tops. In the end I toss a bit more than half.  The tops that are in good shape are boxed to drop of at our Humane Society Thrift Shop.  The paint covered tops are in the trash.  I’m going to miss them most of all. 🙁

Organizing Drawers | Country Design Style |

Another part of the magic is to lovingly fold your tops.  We have a dresser that I bought for looks and not for organizing!  The drawers can not be removed from the dresser!  The only way is to remove the back.  Plus they only open so far.  You can see I tried organizing at one time.  Each drawer was still labeled.  There was not a single sleeveless top in this drawer!

Wonky drying rack | Country Design Style |

So I lovingly folded some tops.  Some I still want to hang.  A brainstorm of an idea developed when I noticed how wonky the drying rack was becoming.  This will make any dresser organized…even if the drawers won’t come out.  Check back on Wednesday the 6th to see my finished idea!

I will be sharing a post each month with my progress on tiding up along the my blogging friends.

Word of the Year

My word of the year, helpful!  Helpful to our pets, home, DIY projects that are helpful and helpful to you.

The future looks bright.  Bright because as long as I’m learning, helping and laughing at all the things that didn’t get done.

What are your 2016 plans?

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