Modern Back to School Wreath
we get goofy!
Mike and I were sitting this morning on our…
favorite chairs. Talking about my grandson going back to school and the…
back to school wreath post, I did for August.
I got lots of teasing about my slide rule on the back to school wreath from Mike.
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I guess I needed to modernize my back to school wreath!!
Maybe the kids today can relate better to this modern back to school wreath!
A calculator because 2 plus 2 isn’t 4 anymore.
A reader…I’m sure textbooks are now available on readers??
Their own Cell phone, not so parents can keep in touch, but to keep up the who’s dating whom.
An iPod to listen to music and earplugs to tune out the teacher.
What else do the kids need for school in these modern times??
And, a modern back to school wreath!
In addition, if you’d like more ideas for wreath making, check the twine wreath. No wreath form necessary.
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