Rooms Repurposed Book Review

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RR_country style design-01Rooms Repurposed Book Review

I’ve had the delightful opportunity to be featured in Cristin Frank’s with Eve of Reduction newest ebook Rooms Repurposed.

We also have the glorious opportunity to take a vacation in Hawaii where I could relax on the beach and read Cristin’s new book.

It was an eye opener for me.

I’ve always thought, just because a room is down the hallway should not make it a bedroom.  Or for those “L” shaped rooms where the living room is near the front door and the dining room is the little square by the kitchen could be switched around.  Breakfast areas make wonderful reading nooks or places for children to do homework.

But Rooms Repurposed was so much more.

Cristin covers homes with adequate space and homes needing additional area for the way you want to live.

Covered in the e-book is not only living in your home, but creating, working, relaxing, entertaining, storage, dual functions, and downsizing.  I enjoyed peeking inside of others home too see how they addressed creatively their current living needs.

Tips for the use of color, furniture, fabrics and room planning are also covered throughout the book.

Here are just a few of the things I took away from reading Rooms Repurposed.

1.  We are not using the space we have to meet our current needs.

Our home changed when our activity changed.  We have a home office that was the busiest room in our home, until we retired.  Now it sits unused while books, files and paperwork are still scattered around from our work days.  That room could now store all those items with tips from Cristin’s book.

2.  We have the whole upstairs floor with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and “craft area” plus a large balcony with an amazing view…

so I’m told!

We rarely go upstairs.  Happens when the kids are gone and you turn extra rooms into guest rooms and then wait for someone to visit.

These rooms could be set up easily for dual purposes for not only us but the guests that visit.

3.  Storage can be convenient and pretty.

I can do the pretty part but miss on the convenient part of storage and organization.

To check out Rooms Repurposed you can purchase your copy here at Eve or Reduction or click on the image on the sidebar.

Cristin earned a Bachelor’s Degree in design from the Rochester Institute of Technology.  Cristin has been upcycling furniture into useful treasures since 2002.  Then started Eve of Reduction in 2009 to showcase and share her talents.  Cristin’s first book is Living Simple, Free and Happy:  How to simplify, declutter your home, and reduce stress, debt and waste.

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