Wall of Hope
Wall of Hope is a donation wall hanging in our local Humane Society of Central Arizona. The wall is made up of four foam core insulation panels covered in brown paper each measuring 4′ by 4′. That totals 16 feet of Hope!!
Each panel holds 50 numbered envelops for a total of 200 envelopes. The envelops were decorate and designed by local school children. The number represents a possible donation amount from $1 to $200.
Here’s the wall of hope before the decorated envelopes were attached. The brown paper was divided to envelope size with a coloring pencil. Then numbers 1 through 200 were stenciled in place.
Above is panel 1 holding envelopes 1 through 50.
This panel holds 51 through 100.
And finally the last panel with the final envelope of $200!
The Humane Society has a goal to clear the wall of hope by November 20. When the envelopes are down the total donation will be over $20,000!!
You can read more in the Payson Roundup our local newspaper.
Wonderful for the animals that share our journey while they wait for their permanent home.
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