Blog Calendar


Blog Calendar ThumbThis post is for my blogging friends and my readers.  Blogging friends because I “think” I’m found a blog calender systems that works at least for me so far.

And for my readers to peek behind the scenes of blogging.

Especially DIY home blogging.

I will admit most of the time I fly by the seat of my pants.  I tend to make, built, paint or redo things as the inspiration hits!

Usually hitting me in the middle of the night!

I do refrain from getting up and pulling out the miter saw at 2 am, but I will make a note of that fabulous idea at 2 am.

Blog Calendar resetDuring those other times when inspiration needs to be pulled out of a catalog, or my huge inspiration file box.

Yes, I have a file box full of fantastic ideas dating way back to 1976!

It’s in the left side of my repurposed desk.  That’s the problem, I need a basic plan or calendar to bring these fabulous ideas to you.  Otherwise they stay filed in the box.

So I need a calendar…a blog calendar.

Blog Calendar-2The problem is the calendar needs to move around.  Plans change because a fun themed blog tour comes up I want to join or projects take longer than expected or that great idea hits me at 2 am and I just can’t wait to make it, paint it or redo it.

Plus there are several different tasks when DIY blogging, taking photos, building, painting, redoing, writing, updating the website and marketing.  Just to name a few.

You would think a calendar program on the computer would be perfect and it probably works great for some people.  But I can look right through a calendar on my computer and it not register.  I’ve had my calendar be the only program to open up as soon as my computer turns on in the morning and I can’t either notice it or focus on it.  I think it’s because I looks boring to me.

I need pretty or unique!

blog calendar #blogcalendar #calendarI then designed a pretty calendar to print out.  I was drawn to it, but I would move things around and scribble through things, rewrite, erase pencil marks until I torn through the pretty calendar.

I needed a calendar that was visible when the computer was off, pretty or unusual and easy to move things around.  If I had a home office like those I featured on the last Home Tour Home Office I would love an extra large chalkboard on the wall.  Since I blog at my repurposed desk for now. I need something that sits on the desk.  Doesn’t really look like a calendar and I can easily move things around.

A corkboard!  I found a corkboard without a frame that’s 11 by 14 inches for $7.  I bought a simple black frame for $6.  Then lightly with a pencil I squared off 5 rolls and 7 columns.  I lightly put Sun through Sat across the top with different soft colored pens.  Then I found wood pushpins that I numbered 1 to 31.

Blog Calendar-4I also bought a package of scrapbook paper for $5.  These colors are basic and will go in our dining room.  I likes the patterned paper too.

Blog Calendar-5I cut 6 sheets into about 1 ½ by 1 ¼ inches and put them in a small mason jar.

Then I started filling out blog posts to complete on a specific date, projects to do on specific dates and even started added inspiration from catalogs on to the calendar.

Blog Calendar-6I set my blog calendar on a small easel on the right side of my desk.

Notice in the photo I have pushpins with turquoise stars and green triangles.  Those pushpins mark days to do projects or event dates.  I’ve started this year adding the event dates below.

A New Wreath design on first Mondays

Thrift store project posts on the second Mondays

Home Tours on last Tuesdays

Easy Breezy Projects on forth Wednesdays

I had planned on putting the month on the top, but two things stopped me.  I didn’t want this to really look calendarish and as I’m using it I like to rotate the week up.  So at times the last half of January is showing with the first half of February.

This system is working great for me.  For example, I didn’t get a burlap bench finished before our planned vacation so I moved it to when we returned and moved this post into it’s place on the 7th.

Blog Calendar-8As I complete a project or post I simple toss the card.  If a project doesn’t get done I place the card for another month in my farmhouse file box.  Or if I have a great idea for Thanksgiving tonight I can write it down on a card and put it in the farmhouse file box.

Oh, I keep any extra pushpins and notes in an old metal tin that I no longer need for it’s original purpose!

I keep it and the mason jar in the top drawer. 🙂

What type of calendar works for you?

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