Pumpkin Butter

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Pumpkin ButterMy grandma made the best apple butter in the world. No, really in the whole entire world.

It does involve canning jars and peeling bushels of apples…so I have never made it.

Instead, I developed this recipe for pumpkin butter. While it’s not grandma’s apple butter, it’s something I can make.

Here’s what I do.

Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin butter ingredientsTake one of those sugar-free applesauce cups, you know on that comes in a 6 pack {I guess for school lunches.}

Empty the applesauce into a refrigerator container {Love the ones from Terrain}

Add about the same amount of canned 100% pumpkin {without the spices.}

Next, add about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Now top with sweetener of your choice…I used plain ol’ sugar…3/4 tablespoon. If you use another sweetener use the amount that would equal about 3/4 tablespoon.

Pumpkin Butter 5Add a little at a time and taste for your desired amount of sweet.

Pumpkin Butter 3Stir this deliciousness up and spread on toast, muffins, pancakes or your fingers…it’s all good.

Pumpkin Butter 4Seal your container and store in the fridge for up to two weeks…I guess, mine never lasts more than two days. 😀

Pumpkin Butter 6


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  1. Awesome idea! I’m so going to make that as I’m sure this can be eaten without bread, just like this, as dessert. However, I’m afraid in my case it will involve canning jars and peeling bushels of apples and making pumpkin puree – never seen the latter in cans over here (Switzerland).
    I love your blog, btw!

    1. Thank you, Meret, for reading. I would be lost without pumpkin in a can. I’ve even given it to our dogs. It helps with stomach and bathroom issues. I appreciate your compliment! Stop by again soon.

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