Workshop Series 4 Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey

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Workshop Series 4 Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey!

I have tore up my workshop from the floor up.

Now I’m in the process of fitting everything back in plus add some cute;)

During the last series Part 3 or Buzz, Buzz….light I “wired” the shed {actually just ran a long extension cord…but did it cute}!

Now that I have power I can take apart my two old large work tables {they have been stored in the garage} and reusing the wood, screws, and nails rebuild them with space planning in mind.

Workshop Series 4 Country Design StyleI built three tables but gave one away when we moved.

Above is a picture of the tables in my previous workshop in another house.  Sorry for the lousy photo, this was way before blogging!

My plan with the two remaining tables is to rebuild one higher without a back.

The rebuilt table would fit over the other one. Both have locking wheels. The smaller table would have a shelf to hold as many tools as I can fit…think clowns in a Volkswagen.

Workshop Series 4 Country Design StyleThere’s a small part of the mess I made taking the tables apart.

Torn Overlay Country Design StyleWell it would be fun if I could get the mouseover to work!

In case your not sure what a mouseover is, it’s where you can move your mouse over a photo and the photo changes.  A click can be added too and you click on the photo and it changes once again.

So I’m tearing out the mouseover, heh heh!

Below are the two tables in action in three separate photos.

Torn Overlay Country Design StyleThe table on the left is about 3 inches higher and 6 inches wider.  It has no back.  The table on the right holds my miter saw, planer, drill press, vise, and some small hand tools.

Workshop Series 4 bThis photo shows the larger table starting to move over the smaller table.

Workshop Series 4cNow the smaller table is inside the larger table.  This is how they will sit inside the workshop.

Workshop Series 4 Country Design Style

Using the router I created a place to inset a metal ruler on the larger work table.  This shows the two tables inside the workshop {smaller table inside larger}

Decorative Item 1$300 Budget so far…

Primer and Paint $60

PVC $22 {had paint and primer for the PVC}

That ugly orange outdoor electrical cord $17

Old jewelry box $6

Flexible metal electrical tubing one foot .80¢

Electrical cord and light kit for hanging funnel light $4

Ruler $3 {cause I did scrounge decorating and used the wood I had…even reused nails and screws}

Left in the cash drawer $187.20 Note: I have been rounding up.

Scrol 2 CDS

Up next for the little workshop…have I mention lately my little workshop is 6′ x 8′?

Anyway…Workshop Series Part V or Storage ~ Ø plastic Ø tools in sight!

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  1. I’m so jealous! What a great place to work and what a clever way to design the tables to fit together! Just love the post title – too funny

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