The Neighbors Redecorated!

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bella checking on the neighbors http://courntydesignstyle.comThe neighbors redecorated!

Bella is thrilled!

Bella with her brother HomerYou see, we have a sweet little dog that came to us last April.  Her name is Bella.  Above Bella sits with her “brother” Homer, a 100 lb German Shepherd.

Grinder-playhouse-country-design-style-3The “neighbors” are actually a little wooden door and a couple of windows I made for Mike several years ago.  It took Bella 6 months to find the “neighbors.”

I took me a few times of looking for Bella only to find her between the outdoor patio chair and sofa.  A few more times to notice she was always standing in front of the little door.  Then a few more times to realize every time I open the kitchen door she would run straight out to the little door and seemed to wait for it to open.

I hadn’t done anything to the door and windows since hanging them on the tree.

redecorated door and windows for summer https://countrydesignstyle.comSince Bella is usually “helping” with DIY projects and in the shot when taking pictures, I decided to redecorate the neighbors house for summer.

Notice the “E” is backwards.  That wasn’t planned.  The “E” fell off a couple of years ago.  At the time the “E” was correct.  A couple of days later Mike noticed I re-glued the “E” but backwards.  I didn’t have that in mind at the time.  There was a bit a lot of teasing!

Below is the easiest video I’ve ever made.  One take!

Cute, right?

I was afraid Bella would stop after the repainting and new decor, but she’s thrilled with the new summer look! 🙂

the neihbors redecorated https://countrydesignstyle.comThe little devil on my right shoulder would love to find a way to get the door to open!

the neightbors door https://countrydesignstyle.comBut I wouldn’t want to frighten her!  She’s very sweet!

Just wish the neighbors were the cookie baking type of neighbors!

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