Summer at Home Tour

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Summer at Home Tour large
I’m very excited to have been asked to join an astounding group of DIY bloggers for a Summer at Home Tour.

What’s really stupefying is that…

I don’t like summer!

I know, crazy right??

Summer is my least favorite season.  To explain my negative reaction to summer, I’ve lived in the desert most of my adult life.  Luckily we now live in the mountains of Arizona where summers are not as harsh, sweaty, sticky, well you get the picture.

Summer-at-home-thumbThere are moments in my life that I have enjoyed the summer season.

No, not just during school years and those “yea no homework summer breaks!”

But other times in the past where summer was perfect.

I’m adding touches from those past perfect summers to our front porch in my effort to survive this dreaded season.  I will share a cherished and strange family recipe perfect for summer.  Although my son believes the recipe is to be served between Thanksgiving and New Years.  Who raised him! 🙂

Of course, I will have a simple quick summer DIY project.  It’s too hot for anything else.

Join me and all the other stimulating bloggers this week as we welcome summer with a peek inside our homes and anecdotes of our past summers.

All those sticky, humid, sunburned, sweaty, heels sticking to the asphalt long hot summers!

Summer at HomeBelow is the line up. Simply click on each one on the day listed to visit and be inspired to get through this summer.  Might be a summer inspired recipe or project toss in along the way too! 🙂

Wednesday, June 18th

On Sutton Place

Stone Gable

My Soulful Home

Thursday, June 19th

Country Design Style

Cedar Hill Farmhouse

Lilacs & Longhorns

Friday, June 20th

Thistlewood Farms

At The Picket Fence

Jennifer Rizzo

Saturday, June 21st

Our Southern Home

Southern Hospitality

Debbie Doos

Veronica Roth

Finding Home

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  1. You crack me up Jeanette! You don’t like Summer!! Well I can’t wait to read your post I bet it will be fantastic despite your disdain for the season. So happy you agreed to join us!!

    1. Oh, Kelly thank you for having me along on the tour. I’m planning to squeeze out some fun this hot summer and the tour is a great place for me to start. ~Jeanette

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