Mason Jar Christmas Tree
Do you love mason jars? Do you check Pinterest for ideas to use mason jars? I have a unique idea for a mason jar Christmas tree, and it’s easy.

I know this is strange. But I create different and unique. When challenged I create strangely.
So…ta da! A Mason Jar Christmas Tree!
Junkmarket Style is hosting a mason jar challenge. The challenge is an exercise in creativity and meeting new junk friends.
I admit I’m not actively posting on Junkmarket Style lately. I will do better next year. Junkmarket Style is a fun group of junk-minded people with creative ideas and encouraging comments.
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Why a mason jar tree??
I’m not sure how or why I came up with making a mason jar tree. Maybe it was seeing the jars filling in my little workshop. Or finding a box of these colorful ornaments in the “Christmas” closet upstairs. Or possibly the sticks outside after the windy storm came through last weekend. But whatever it was, I pretty sure it’s the only mason jar tree!
The Supplies
- One case of small wide-mouth pint mason jars with rings and seals
- One piece of wood 3 1/2 inches wide by 12 inches long
- 10 Plastic ornaments
- 2 Sticks
- Decorators putty or my favorite double-sided tape.
- Hot glue gun and sticks
The Steps
I placed one ornament in 10 jars.
In two other jars, I added some of those sticks from outside.
I grabbed a piece of wood from the workshop that happened to be a perfect size. See this mason jar tree was meant to be!
I used a bit of sticky putty to secure things up a bit. You can find this in most hardware stores. I find it works better with a little water.
Now a disclaimer…this will not hold the entire tree upright. I placed the tree on the mantel in our bedroom back in the corner. If you wanted you could use a hot glue gun to secure the tree. The hot glue will pick off when you’re ready to take the tree down.
Now I stacked the jars forming a tree. Just like on the “regular” Christmas tree, I made sure to spread the colors around. Notice the jar with the star is on top
…as it should be!
Even if I don’t win the challenge, I will win if I make a new junky friend or two.
What is the strangest Christmas decoration you have up right now?
Added note: The Mason Jar Christmas Tree was a tied winner at Junkmarket Style!!! Tied with Butter Beans Antiques and the beautiful Peace Mason Jar sign.
Comment below or tag me on Instagram with your strangest holiday decor.

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