Cotton, Coton and Snowballs

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Cotton Coton and Snowballs | Country Design Style |

I’m feeling like the Grinch whose heart swelled three times this Christmas.

We have had broken hearts this year and an empty home.

We lost two furry family members within six months this year. I felt my heart would remain broken beyond repair.

Mike was beginning to think he would never hear little paw prints on our floor.

But all that changed in one moment.

Cotton, Coton and Snowballs

Cotton Coton and Snowballs Pin | Country Design Style |

Today I’m sharing our cotton mantel plus a bit more….


The mantel dressed in winter white.  Cotton Stems is the most popular DIY project of 2016.  The project was so popular, Hometalk asked to share it LIVE on their Facebook page.  You can see the video here.

I added a DIY cotton wreath to the center of an old frame made into a chalkboard.

The DIY snowballs should be as popular as the cotton stems, imo!  They’re made using plaster and styrofoam!

I made the mantel using scrap wood, trims, and broken frames.

“Broken pieces mend stronger!”

Now for the Coton!!

You know those habits you have around your home?  One of mine is stepping out on the back porch for sodas in the small fridge.  In the past, Homer and Bella would run to the bedroom door to watch.  I would have two sets of eyes watching me.  Last several months there was an emptiness in my heart just reaching for sodas.

Then I stepped out for sodas over Thanksgiving. I turned to see the little eyes of our granddog watching from the bedroom door.

My heart grew!  

Cotton Coton Snowballs and blur | Country Design Style |

The white blur in the photos above is Emily Jane.  I had grand visions of a photo of our mantel dressed in winter white with little Emily sitting quietly in front. Sixty-seven photos later and the photos above was the best I could get!!

Emily is 14 weeks old Coton de Tulear.

A what??  That’s the reaction from most everyone.

Emily is a little white dog with the softest cottony fur, biggest heart, and the happiest personality!

Emily Jane | Country Design Style |

This is the first photo I took of Emily.  Might be the last that’s not a blur. 🙂

Broken pieces of heart mend stronger too.

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  1. Donna L Grier says:

    You have a new addition? Oh I am so happy for you and she is a beauty. It is funny how these fur babies can do wonders for our heart. We always swear no more can’t take the pain, but they sure know how to make it more bearable…..
    Love Donna can’t wait to meet her.

    1. Donna, I can’t wait for you to meet her too! She is so sweet and it’s nice to have paw prints in the house. See you soon!

  2. Lorraine Hawxwell says:

    I lost my dog Logan this November. He was 2 days shy of 16 years. I had him since he was 4 months old. He was my shadow, my heart. I still think he is near, but alas it is just the essense of love that lingers. Our animal friends become so close… someday i hope to find another pal.

    1. Lorraine, I was afraid my heart was too broken to open up again. It was a challenging year. Try to keep a small part of your heart open. You never know who’s going to walk in. 🙂

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