
Overwhelmed and or embarrassed by the way your home looks?

We’re spending more and more time at home and really noticing that ugly table or mix-matched decor on the coffee table.

Your decor scheme is outdated and doesn’t match your dreams for your home life.

There’s simply too much stuff and it’s adding to your over-stress feelings.

ladies painting a wall

I get it.

Having a home that we’re proud of and comfortable in changes our stress, happiness, and health.

What if you could join a group of women online with the goal of creating a beautiful home? Each takes steps to make a gorgeous home and learning techniques to apply to all areas, inside and out.

Online Community

What if things were different? Your confidence to plan and create rooms and home decor grew.

Join others in the same boat, (one that’s not a sinking houseboat) and attend online create and chats, Zoom our room decor, and shop our homes.

Each one of us have a different creativity skill. We’ll bring them all to our virtual craft table and see the ideas flow. Then meet again to check on our progress.

Online courses

The online courses contain recorded videos, downloaded instructions, and Q&A sessions. So, whether you learn best by watching, listening, following written text, or need all three, we’ve got you covered.

The lessons included so far are self-paced. The membership is rather new, so currently the lessons go live on Thursday mornings.

The membership is on a free private Facebook group where we host live videos and casual chats.

Join the newsletter

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