My Toy Box

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Remember when there was a slight knock on the door and it would be your friend from across the street.  They wanted to invite you over to play.

Can you hear it??

There’s a slight knock on your door.

It’s me!  “Can you come over and play?”

I have a new toy box and will share.

Mike and I had a discussion this morning trying to remember if we had a toy box in our youth.  If I had one I don’t remember it.  Mike said his few toys were display on a dresser or metal cabinet in his room.

Well now I have a toy box.


It’s more of a toy tray!  A tray with dividers for my favorite toys tools.  I have a 6 by 8 wood shed that I turned into a workshop.  But if sawdust is going to fly…one work table is wheeled out to the patio in front.  My favorite hand tools were stored in a large tool box.  That caused many steps in and out of the shed to gather tools.  Sorta like an unorganized kitchen.

I've always want a tray to hold my DIY tools. Not a tool box, but a tray where my favorite tools are right at hand. Now I have one and you can too. Free download instructions. Country Design Style

Using only scrap wood pieces I finally made my tool box ideas…or tool box tray.

Eek!  Please don’t laugh…okay go ahead!  Here’s my Periscope of filling my toy box!

Periscope is a live video where followers can comment and send hearts.  If you watch there are not comments and hearts shown.  That’s because I forgot my instructions to download the video from my phone to the computer and save the comments and hearts. :/

If you wish to follow and watch my daily videos and tutorials you can find me at @countrydsgnstyl or Country Design Style – Jeanette on the Periscope app.

Wouldn't it be great to have your most used crafting tools laid out on a tray? I thought so and I did it. Country Design Style

Now if you wish to make a toy box or tray for your favorite woodworking or crafting tools…

Click below. 🙂


Here’s your Project Download to make your own Toy Box!

Thank you for reading along.  Now go answer your door!

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  1. For years I  had to work out of scattered tool boxes housing all of my accumulated tools. I  would end up buying duplicates because i thought I had lo..

  2. chris aka monkey says:

    you are so cute, i loved this periscope and as you know i have a dumb phone so i can’t do this live but i enjoyed it xx

    1. Thank you Chris so much! I can’t believe I’m going to say this but….I kind of like doing the Periscope videos! Although I haven’t watched them!!! Shhhhh, let’s just keep this to ourselves. 😀 Jeanette

  3. That was helpful. Some of those tools I didn’t know existed but I really could use. Thanks.

    1. Thank you Paulette! Hand tools can be great finds at yard sales and thrift stores. Power tools though I like to buy new. I glad to “stopped by” today. Jeanette

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