Easy DIY flower bouquet project

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Remember wildflower bouquets tied with string?

I spend the summers of my youth on my grandparent’s farm in Oklahoma.  There were beautiful wild flowers to gather.  I remember picking flowers for grandma.  The bouquets included a few weeds!

I also made mud pies.  I was an expert mud pie baker!  In fact, I would make whole meals from the red clay mud of northeastern Oklahoma.  To make a cake I would shape thick mud into a round disk and let dry in the hot sun.  When the cake was “baked,” it was covered in thin mud for frosting.  Wildflowers decorated the top.  If it was a birthday cake, pieces of hay turned into candles.

It’s amazing I didn’t start a cooking blog! 🙂

Anything to do with playing in the playhouse was my passion.

The only hard {but fun} part of this easy DIY flower bouquet project was gathering the flowers around the house.


These flowers are not real.  Not wildflowers, not the flowers from grandma’s garden {oops!}

These flowers are ANY flower that can be hot glued to a magnet.

Flower magnets!


I gathered flowers from old cards, metal flowers from an old yard sale fireplace screen, fabric flowers, dried flowers and flowers from leftover parts of my deconstructed flower banner.

Next, I fired up the hot glue gun…

and glued the flowers to magnets.

Easy DIY Flower Bouquet Project using magnets on metal tray painted with chalkboard paint. Just draw the stems! Country Design Style

Next, I arranged them on the metal tray chalkboard.

Stems were drawn with chalk for each flower.  For the ribbon, I gathered a few thin strips and tied a bow.  Then hot glued it to a magnet.

Next, everything was propped up in the empty throne….plate holder made last week.


You could also use silk flowers too!  Just pop off the flower heads like in the deconstructed flower banner. 🙂

These were stuck to a recipe card holder made before blogging.

Yep, that’s a broken spindle as molding detail!



〈 Tutorials  〉

Deconstruction Flower Banner

Metal Tray Chalkboard

Plate Holder

〈 Additional Sources 〉

10 Things to do with a Broken Spindle


Here’s other unique chalkboard ideas!

What was your favorite childhood pastime?

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One Comment

  1. chris aka monkey says:

    how cute and you got to reuse your cute chalkboard well i have a week under my belt since the operation and i am at least past the awful pain and being doped up off of the goofy pills for a few days, took a small walk outside yesterday to see what plants survived the winter and was pooped when i came in sucks to be old xx

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