Cow Kisses
Have you ever been kissed by a cow? I have…and it was awesome! {sorry honey} Yep, cow kisses are great and sloppy.

A couple of winters ago, I traveled back home to the Osage in Oklahoma
The same Osage as in the movie, August Osage Country.
Our family is not harsh like in the movie. There were great performances in the movie, I personally L~O~V~E~D the bits of scenery, and got goosebumps during the scene of Julia Roberts getting out of the truck and taking a deep breath. Osage is my home.
Anyway, back to cow kisses.
It was a beautiful winter’s morning.
I went out with my uncle to feed the cow “cookies”
My uncle is the local cow whisper.

This is How Now {as in How Now Brown Cow} she is very sweet and would take cookies right from your hand.

The Bull. Reno, and for a bull, he is pretty sweet too. Just happy I didn’t wear my red jacket, hee hee!

This is the sweetie, with a heart on her forehead, that gave me a kiss from one cheek to the other cheek.
It was sloppy.
It was gooey.
It was great!
I realize this is a decorating blog and this has nothing to do with design,
except wouldn’t it be great to have one of these cow pictures blown up and hung in the dining room?
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