Clothespin Star & Unique Stars

Clothespin Star

Playing around with some clothespins that I had aged with “ironed vinegar,” I made a star.  You can read about aging wood at this old wood.

Have you ever doodled on a piece of paper and then look at the scribbles and see a really cool drawing of a bug or something?

Well if you have and found yourself cutting out the cute little bug, that’s how I feel about my little clothespin star.  I didn’t want to break it apart.

Star on old springs

With a bit of wood glue, my little clothespin star won’t break apart!  It’s hanging on top of the tree I formed on springs from an old bench that was done for the 12 Days of Christmas Home Tour.

Clothespin Star-3

To make one start by making 5 “V” shapes.  Then moving them around to form a star.

Dried paintbrush star with lines

Here are the basic lines use to make a 5 point star.

Clothespin Star Bright FP

I have to find a place for it after Christmas.  I sure it will end up on a bookcase or the mantel.

Buffalo Check Star

This easy DIY buffalo check star is quick to make. I used sticky back buffalo check paper. You can see the Pinterest video for the star here.

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  1. Hi, I saw an identical star at an antique booth in Bardstown, Kentucky. I was looking for a pattern when I came across your site. Pretty cool!

    1. Thank you. I hope I explained it well. My star is still displayed around the house. Right now it’s on the kitchen counter leaning against the backsplash. ~Jeanette

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