Birch Log Projects

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Picture this in your mind you are sitting under your favorite childhood tree.  You can smell the bark. You hear the leaves rustling in the breeze. Then you cut a chunk for birch log projects.

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We live in the mountains of Arizona.  We have tons of pine trees.  In fact, we live in the largest stand of ponderosa pines in the world.  Aspen and birch trees do not grow naturally here.  Mike grew up in Massachusetts with lots of birch trees.  We wanted a small birch grove next to our house.  It’s was hard enough to find aspen trees here.  Birch was not existent!

Not the best idea, because we also have a ton of elk.  Elk LOVE aspen trees…they are like candy!  So we fence them in from the elk, baby them along…and one died! 🙁

So we made a couple of birch log projects.  Or aspen log projects.

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When life hands you a dead tree…make something!

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The smaller branches look like a pussy willow to me.  We kept them 4 feet long and placed them in a galvanized flower bucket.  

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Then filled in with green Spanish moss.  The moss adds a pop of green and holds the branches upright.

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Now for the logs.  We cut the log into 12 to 14-inch pieces.  Are you thinking, “but the bucket looks 12 to 14 inches high”

…and it is!  

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I grabbed some craft paper.  Tore off big hunks.  Wadded it up.  Then stuffed it in the bucket first.  Next adding logs and more added craft paper around the logs.  More green Spanish moss was added to hide the craft paper.

We are expecting snow here tomorrow.  The small peeks of green moss makes me smile today.

If your tree is dead here’s another idea for decorating and organizing with the branches.

Wood-slices | Country Design Style |

Wood Slice Tags

How many falls did you have from climbing that childhood tree??


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