30 Days of Household Tips Recap

30 Days of Household Tips SQ ScanDid you know I just finished 30 days of household tips on Facebook?

It’s my attempt to grow my facebook likes.

If you missed it, here’s a brief 30 days of Household Tips Recap.

When I started the 30 days of Household Tips I had 965 0n December 22 and on February 1 Country Design Style reached 1.064 likes!  One hundred and one!  Thank you every one of them!

Last August I did 30 days of Autumn {my favorite season} and you can read about the new likes from those 30 days here.

I have to be honest…

doing the 30 days thing is not easy!

I have NO problem coming up with ideas, I grab a piece of paper and start writing and usually end up with about 70 ideas.

Then the hard part…

taking all those pictures!

It’s getting all the pictures that narrows down the list to 30.

Here are a few of the pictures.

30 days day 1  30 days of household tips day 16 30 days of household tips day 20

30daysofhouseholdtips day 23    30daysofhouseholdtips day 22   30 Days of Household Tips Day 10

So, have I learned that doing the 30 days thing is hard??


30 days of spring cleaning tips SQ

I’m planning a 30 days of Spring Cleaning sometime around spring.

Why?  1. Because our house needs a good Spring Cleaning, I totally did not spring clean last year!  2.  While I like a clean house I do have trouble keeping up with this house.  Do you find some houses easier to clean than others?  I did have a maid once a week for about 3 weeks.  Homer our German Shepherd, thought she was there to play with him.  About the third time I saw him running down the stairs with her cleaning rags, I knew it wouldn’t last long.  Plus I felt uncomfortable having someone clean, even though I was working from home.  3.  I feel my readers are enjoying the Facebook Posts.

So if you’re not liking and following Country Design Style on Facebook you can do so here Country Design Style Facebook or for fun grab your phone and scan the QR code.

Did you follow the 30 days of household tips?

Any other ideas for 30 days of ________________?

Let me know in comments!

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