Canopy Legs

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Canopy Legs https://countrydesignstyle.comCanopy Legs

Some of the best ideas come to me in the middle of the night.

This is one of those ideas.

Perfect for anyone who uses those portable canopies.

Bare with my photos.  I was busier than a DIY blogger that gave herself too much to do!

The photos are of the painting demo I held over the weekend with my canopy and those canopy legs!

Canopy legs #canopy

This canopy usually sits outside of my workshop during the spring and summer months.  The sun in Arizona is strong even in the mountains.  The square patio outside of the workshop is in direct sun for most of the day.

My canopy has skinny legs.

Wish my legs were as skinny!

So to dress it up, I made wooden legs.

I simply made long three-sided boxes.  The fourth board is screwed into the three sides to close up around the legs.  I used 1 by 3 furring strips and spend under $40.

I glued and screwed in place three sides.  Then predrilled holes in the last board.

Because I wanted a rustic look I painted the wood with tea and then “ironed” vinegar.

Love the canopy legs with the white tulle 

canopy legs https://countrydesignstyle.comThis idea came to me in the middle of the night in the spring!

It took the demo I did at our local Humane Society thrift shop to actually get them made.

These legs are also a great idea when you can’t pound in the stakes into the parking lot!

canopy legs https://countrydesignstyle.comI wanted the demo area to be cute, funky, junky and “burlapy.”  I love the solid look of the legs.

After the event, I put away the canopy and those new legs away for the winter.  Now I can’t wait to put it up for spring!

Thank you to everyone who attending the furniture painting demo.  I loved the interaction.

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    1. Awww, thank you Donna! I’m sharing that picture in the post for Tuesday along with the other bloggers in the tour. And…thank you for coming and supporting me!!! See you on Thursday! Jeanette

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